Monday, 20 February 2012

This month the Danish Social Capital has published its first investment - in Specialisterne ApS. The fund (which was mentioned earlier on this blog) is Denmark's first social venture fund that invests capital and skills in social entrepreneurs and businesses that solve social problems. The fund wants to help companies to grow - and thus generate the fullest possible social impact. The fund was established with 25 million DKK from TrygFonden and professional support from Accura and KPMG.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

CBS Students start Social Enterprise in Kenya

Have you ever thought about what women do who cannot afford pads or tampons? "All girls know that if you suddenly find yourself without anything and that time has come, you panic," says Maxie Mathiesen co-founder of Ruby Cup and alumna of the CBS Minor in Social Entrepreneurship. Women and girls living in developing countries face problems when they menstruate, because they cannot afford sanitary pads. Instead they use whatever they have at hand, such as bark, mud, newspaper, cloth, and pieces of mattress.

Ruby Cup wants to provide menstrual protection alternatives, which will not have negative environmental effects, and that are both available and affordable for women in developing countries. Ruby Cup was initiated and founded by three young women from Denmark and Germany. Veronica, Julie and Maxie met each other at Copenhagen Business School where they studied International Business and Politics, Sustainable Business, and Social Entrepreneurship. They all hold several years of international work experience in the fields of human rights, sustainable business/CSR, marketing, and trade and commerce. As young social entrepreneurial women, they are dedicated to making a difference for purpose and for profit.

In 2010, the idea has been selected as the winner in the CBS Social Entrepreneurship Minor class "Business Plan Writing for Social Enterprises". Since then Ruby Cup has gone from strength to strength. After raising over 100,000€ start capital in 2011 Ruby Cup has launched the company in Kenya. Just recently the team has been shortlisted as a finalist of the Global Social Venture Competition (GSVC) as well as Echoing Green. Good luck! Read more: